Sweat equity marketing promotions is any marketing technique that uses pre-existing social networks to spread a company’s message.
Viral marketing is unique, entertaining and easy to share. It is often in the format of a short video, an audio or eBook. What makes a piece of material “viral” is that the message is passed quickly from one person to the next until its reach increases exponentially.
Month: October 2010

Meta tags, tagging and folksonomy
Meta tags, tagging and folksonomy, what are they and why do they matter to you.

Increasing Page Rank
Using the right keywords in your title tag will not ensure you a top ranking with Google, but ignoring it or using poor keywords can certainly damage your chances. Choosing solid relevant keywords for your title tag is one of the most basic steps in SEO

Search Engines Directory & Submissions
Directories are a stockpile of human reviewed Websites that are arranged in topical categories. Unlike the search engines that use programs to review the Websites, directories have people do the work by hand. You will want to submit your Website to directories to increase traffic and backlinks to help improve your Website ranking.

Tracking Opt-in Conversions
Web forms and looking at the percentage under the “S/UD” column. Your goal is to get this percentage as high as possible.

Landing Page Give Away
You need an incentive for people to give you their contact information, and a good one is to offer them some useful information or tools at no cost. What tools should you offer? “How to” titles on hot topics work great. You can create a product that provides instruction for the first several steps of a large process. Give them enough information that they can implement what they have learned and reap some benefits from it.
How to create a squeeze page or landing page
a squeeze page is a powerful tool for collecting contact information from your prospects so that you can begin building a list, and you are going to need one. Lead lists are critical in enabling you to build a relationship with your prospects, which dramatically increases your ability to sell to them.

Selecting an Email Marketing Service
You will need an email service provider to schedule, and send mail to your lists as well as to manage our leads, personalize your messages, provide easy opt-out options and help to keep you out of trouble with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for spamming.

Choosing a Hosting Service
Here are the qualifications that I currently use for selecting a hosting company now and who I am currently working with:
• Secure
• Fast (availability of T3 or more
• Lots of space for growth
• Daily backups
• CGI (common gateway interface) access, which is a common way for Web servers to interact with users
• No contracts required
• Shopping cart access
• Good downtime record
• E-mail accounts
• FTP access for uploading files

Finding your target keywords
You will notice with the Google Keyword Tool that if you type in a keyword (you can use short or long tail) not only will it give you the level of advertiser competition displayed on a bar, and the local and global search results for that keyword, but it will also give you the results for some more targeted keywords that you might be interested in. It occasionally gives you some results out in left field, but for the most part the data is helpful in at least getting the ball rolling.