Does your website serve as a sort of automated online message system or elaborate business card? Our Traverse City, MI SEO company would like to make it much more dynamic. With all the interactive tools and the much-improved functionality of modern website design,...
Month: September 2014

SEO website content -> More than just rank
Keywords alone will not get you results. Our Michigan SEO company is a big advocate of great content that offers meaningful information on company websites. We firmly believe that content is king when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). Our Michigan SEO...
Google Updates
Did you know that Google updates its algorithms roughly 500 or more times annually? Our Traverse City MI SEO company strives to stay informed about all the latest changes and innovations relevant to our clients. Each time Google makes a significant update or...

Google Trends
In April Google announced a great new feature that will let people opt to have popular topics from Google Trends and Hot Searches emailed right to them. For Northern Michigan businesses this means using effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies will be...

What Do Your Marketing Colors Say About Your Company?
As a Grand Rapids, MI SEO company, our goal is to help your website catch the attention of as many qualified prospects as possible. While we specialize in SEO, it is only one piece of the puzzle. For your website to work, we have to ensure that when potential...