Do Video's Help SEO?

Do Video's Help SEO?

Nov 30, 2013 | SEO

You may be wondering if you should create and post videos to help with their website search engine rankings.  As you know the right video can grab your attention and deliver a message in a very powerful, memorable way. From strictly a SEO perspective Google and others do not currently possess the capability to interpret videos in the same way that they do with text.  They can only access the information on the tags, title, description, and view its popularity to determine topic importance and relevance.  To gain the best possible SEO results, you can consult with a professional Grand Rapids MI SEO company.
Where to Publish Your Video
If you publish your video directly on your website vs. a video sharing site you can benefit from increased traffic to your website to view the video and the search engines will “credit” your site for the video instead of the YouTube or Vimeo. However videos use a lot of storage and when you choose to publish them directly on a your website, you may miss out on the favoritism Google gives YouTube and its channels or account homepages resulting in fewer video views.
If you upload a video on YouTube or Vimeo, it will rank independently from your website and provides no direct SEO impact on your website. Video sharing site channels like YouTube display account names, information, types, activity, subscribers, comments, uploaded videos, and other social networking features.  Writing a clear and easily understood description on your channel that also utilizes your main keywords will help people find your channel in search results and increase the visibility of your video.
Will it Help My Website SEO?
Although videos hosted on video sharing sites do not directly impact website ranking regardless of their popularity, if it is also shared on your website, it could indirectly help its ranking through increased viewing times and possible related article comments.  The longer people spend visiting a specific website and the more guest comments it receives, the more search engines will value and promote that information.
Create a Video for SEO or No?
Creating a captivating video for your company can help increase awareness, engage your audience and earn new clients. However, even though your video may be ranking very well, it does not necessarily have a big impact on your website SEO.  Since website SEO is not the only way to build your client base, sharing quality videos on YouTube, Vimeo and other video sharing sites can still be worthwhile.
If you’re interested in learning more about how videos can impact your Michigan business SEO contact a trusted Grand Rapids MI SEO company like Brassy Marketing for guidance regarding your unique circumstances.