Effective SEO – It’s All in the Keywords
In the real estate business it’s all about “location, location, location.” In the SEO business, it’s all about “keywords, keywords, keywords.”
What exactly are keywords and why are they so important?
Keywords are words or short combination of words that search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) use when looking for relevant web pages.
In order to maximize the number of visitors to your website, using the right keywords on all of your web pages plays a vital role. Internet marketing success depends as much on keywords as real estate success depends on location.
Notice the use of two terms – maximize and optimize. They don’t necessarily mean the same thing. For example, you can maximize huge numbers of visitors to your site, but if you don’t optimize for the right visitors (i.e. people who are actually looking for what you have to offer), you’re just wasting valuable time, energy, and money.
Good web pages contain the information people are searching for. That’s why good web content needs to offer substance as well as style. If readers are not getting what they’re looking for, they’ll quickly move on to another site to get the information they want, and you will have lost the possibility of making a contact.
A good web page, however, will include the right keywords that will drive the appropriate search engine traffic to your site. You want to attract people who really want what you have to offer – actual customers and not just tire kickers.
The 80/20 Rule applies to Internet marketing in the same way that it applies to all business. 80% of the business generated by your website will come from 20% of your web pages. 80% of your website traffic will come from 20% of the keywords you employ. Your job and the job of an SEO expert are to find the right keywords to direct the right traffic to the right pages. These keywords will be your most valuable asset.
Finding the right keywords can take time. When done correctly, good keyword research can supply an endless flow of high quality traffic to your website. However, if done incorrectly, you won’t produce the results you’re looking for. Contact us for a complimentary keyword analysis and rank report for your website.
Effective SEO Keywords
Effective SEO Keywords