Steps to Creating Your Ezine
Part 2 – See Ezine Newsletter – Getting Started for Part One
When creating a regular Ezine you should do the following.
Name It
• Give it a Name Pick a name that is easy to remember, tells the person a little about what the Ezine is about (at least make sure not to accidentally mislead them). If you can include a keyword while you are at it, better yet. Here are some examples of real Ezines and their titles. These Ezines were selected by a website that enables Ezine publishers to list their Ezines and visitors to write reviews/rate them. As you see each has a short simple title that tells you something about the topic, reviewing them may help you think of a good title for your own Ezine.
Trade Show Tactics Newsletter by the TradeShow Teacher
By Linda Musgrove
Parenting Partner
By Connie Hammer
Chinese Health Tips
By Matthew Scott
Writer’s Fast Track
By Angela Kaelin
These are all great title examples.
How frequently should you publish your Ezine?
Consider the two factors that should play a role in determining how frequently you publish. There are a couple things you should take into consideration. First, it’s better to publish fewer high quality pieces than a lot of mediocre material. The reason is that if you are just trying to find something to say in your current Ezine and it ends up more “call to action” and graphics than valuable content – or just a plain waste of time for any reason – then you will quickly train your reader to ignore your messages.
The second factor to consider is that the frequency of valuable Ezines can increase your overall Ezine effectiveness up to a point. So if you have enough content and patience to create additional well formulated Ezines, then that’s great. Personally, I would recommend aiming for an Ezine frequency that falls somewhere between every 4 days and monthly. Even if you have tons to say and the most effective Ezine content available, I would not recommend publishing more than once every 4 days because if your readers get busy and don’t get a chance to read your Ezine for a few days you don’t want them to return to a pile of unread Ezines from you.
You are better off conservatively choose one of the following frequencies that you feel comfortable you can generate valuable content for: monthly, bi-monthly, weekly, every 4 days. Then if you find that you could easily do more, then you can choose to increase your frequency at a later date.
Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing
• Be clear about “whom” you are writing to.
Most of this work should have been done in section one when selecting the perfect profitable niche and getting inside your client’s head. Just review the work you have done in that section to refresh your memory.
• Determine how often you will use promotional messages.
A good rule of thumb is three content messages per promotional message. Make sure that the promotions are relevant to your client/prospect’s current needs and if you are promoting an affiliate that they are highly reputable.
• Help your readers stay focused on a couple key benefits.
Although you may have an array of specific subjects that help your reader make progress, there should be two or three primary objectives of the Ezine. Regularly make these objectives clear to your readers. Keep these objectives listed in a place where you can view them frequently – it will help you stay on task.
• Decide what overall tone you want to use in your Ezine.
Are you going to be serious, funny, or inspiring? Choosing a tone that is well aligned with a strong facet of your personality will make it easier for you. Staying consistent allows the reader to feel like they’re getting to know you. You can think of setting the tone like creating a cartoon character based on you. Use your core characteristics but exaggerate the features. No one is funny, inspiring, serious or sentimental all of the time, but if it’s a strong part of your personality just exaggerate it and run with it.
• Make it independent.
Create each Ezine message so that it makes sense when read independently from the others. It’s ok to reference earlier messages, but don’t make the mistake of making them so connected that they can’t stand-alone. You must always assume that it’s highly likely your reader either missed the previous message or doesn’t remember it.
• Give them the next step.
You always want to give you reader an option to take action after they are done reading. It could be as direct as sending them to a sales page or as soft as suggesting they check out your blog or follow you on Twitter. You will want to change this section to reflect an appropriate action for that message. Note: If this is your promo message, you want them going to a sales page not your blog.
• Ensure each message contains all of the information required by the Federal Trade Commission.
Some things are required to appear on your Ezine. If you are using a reputable company like Aweber or Constant Contact to help you publish your Ezine, they will make sure that you have this included in every message. You must have a functioning return e-mail address, your complete contact information and an unsubscribe link for subscribers who no longer wish to receive messages from you.
• Include only relevant graphics if using HTML.
A picture of you, logo or picture relevant to the message is a good idea but don’t go overboard. It will distract from the message, look too promotional and increase download times.
Don’t Spam
Spam is unsolicited e-mail sent indiscriminately to a group of individuals. These may include people who have already opted out of your list or who have no existing relationship with you. Spam is taken seriously, and if you are even being suspected of being a spammer it can create a real hassle for you.
Internet service providers (ISP’s) work with anti-spam organizations to help identify spammers. If you are “labeled” as a spammer, a substantial portion of your mail may start being dumped in your subscriber’s junk mailbox. If it becomes a reoccurring problem and you are identified repeatedly as a spammer, you may find yourself blocked from sending e-mail from that ISP. There can even be legal action taken against you.
Here are some basic tips to help you steer clear of trouble:
• Always include an easy to find opt-out link.
If you use a reputable e-mail service provider like Aweber or Constant Contact, they will include this for you in your e-mail messages.
• Only send messages to people who know who you are or who have requested info, ideally both.
• Never send messages from a fake address or name.
It’s not only unethical to send messages with a false return address, it’s illegal. The reply function on the e-mails you send should work, and you should include the functioning e-mail address in the contact information as well. Again a reputable e-mail service provider will make sure you are following regulations on this.
• Don’t disguise your messages to make them look like they came from someone else.
It’s okay, and I encourage you to use creative headlines to raise curiosity and get your mail opened. It’s not okay to be misleading. Even if it were allowed, who would want to buy from you after you just deceived them?
Generally, just be direct and honest with your headlines and content and make it easy for people to unsubscribe from the newsletter if they want to. There is some disagreement amongst the public as to what qualifies as spam, and even if you don’t get into trouble legally or with your ISP, if your reader feels they are being sent spam they will likely feel tricked and taken advantage of and the last thing they will want to do is become your customer. To learn details about the current CAN-SPAM laws, go to
* Don’t want to deal with this? Brassy Marketing can take care of everything for you. Feel free to click the “contact us” tab at the top of the page and call or fill out the message form. Just let us know what your primary goal is, we will share with you how we can help you achieve it.