Special Promotional Ezine Messages
If you are going to send a promotional message, you may want it to be about a special event. There are many reasons you may choose to hold a promotion. It doesn’t always have to be linked to a discounted price. Instead, during the promotion you may limit the availability of the product only to that group, add special bonuses, or provide additional formats. Here are some ideas for special promotions. Try one of them or create something unique of your own:
• Loyal Customer – The loyal customer promotion is a great category for “early release” or providing regular discount that all members of this group enjoy. By providing the loyal customers with a company-wide discount you preserve the value of the products better than by discounting the products themselves.
• Birthday – On your clients’ birthday month, why not send them a nice message, maybe a small gift, and gift certificate to use at your business. Of course, the gift you choose and the value of the gift certificate should reflect the value of the client. They will likely appreciate being acknowledged, and if they use the gift certificate at your business are likely to spend more than its face value.
• Holiday – Creating a holiday promotion is easy because you don’t need any special information about your clients in order to set one up. You should be aware, though, that it’s likely that not all of your clients celebrate the particular holiday, and you should delicately address that. Discounts and gift certificates and special launches work well for holiday promotions.
• Last available – It’s human nature to have an elevated desire for something that is scarce, so if you are trying to sell the last place or two in your coaching group or to an event, make sure to let them know that this is the last place(s) available. If you think there will be high demand, you can also limit the offering to a select group to thank loyal customers or to give new people an opportunity.
• Pre-launch – The idea of a pre-launch is to build excitement, get early feedback, reward early adapters, and create buzz about the soon to be released product. When you send pre-launch messages, you should explain to the reader why they are on the list, when the product is going to be launched, and the benefits they can get from acting now (for example placing a pre-order).
Create a countdown with additional messages to the group prior to the launch. Make sure that if a person places a pre-order that they are put on a different list than the people who have not yet pre-ordered. It is frustrating to get solicited to purchase a product that you just ordered. Give the people on your pre-launch list little pieces of the product for them to review. Consider releasing the product early to only a few people so that they can provide feedback and create a “buzz” about how great it is.
Note: Make sure to break up ideas to make the message easy to read. Keep the length long enough to get the point across but short enough that you don’t overwhelm them. Remember, you are only selling them on the idea of clicking through to the sales page.
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