Increasing Page Rank

Here is some basic information about how to increase your page rank with Google. If you would like a more detailed explanation check out

The basics: Each search engine has its own little rules for ranking Websites. Since they are working for the public, not Website owners, they don’t want you to know exactly what they are, so they change their methods all the time.

Keyword Rich Title Tags

Like the title of your sales page, title tags are very important. Using the right keywords in your title tag will not ensure you a top ranking with Google, but ignoring it or using poor keywords can certainly damage your chances. Choosing solid relevant keywords for your title tag is one of the most basic steps in SEO.
The html code for your title tag looks like this: <title> </title>
You can put a complete phrase in your title tag. The number of characters allowed in your title tag varies from one search engine to another but you are typically safe with around 78 characters. Leave out the filler words, such as: and, if, they are.


Links to your Website or Web page is one of the most important factors in page rank. Search engines perceive sites with more relevant links to their page as higher quality. The higher quality of the sites that link to your site the more weight they have in increasing your rank. Even new sites with low rank can help to increase your rank, but if you have links from sites that have been labeled poorly it will reflect poorly on you. There are lots of programs to help you discover who is linking to you. Here are a couple methods:
• Use
• Simply go to
Getting links research to find businesses who could benefit from the information your provide, or more accurately who’s visitors could benefit from the information, which in turn benefits the site. When you identify businesses that would be a good fit, email them a personal message. Make sure to tell them the positive attributes that you noticed about their business and Website, and a little bit about you and how you could benefit their visitors. Make a recommendation for where to put the link. Make it as easy as possible for them to add the link. Don’t expect fabulous results after just one contact. Create a plan for following up and try different message mediums to attempt to reach them. Include letters, email and phone calls. Record your progress on an excel spreadsheet.
Make sure to send people linking to you a message to let them know your address is changing (just don’t plan on them updating their site). Remember, you can go to to see who is currently linking to your site. If you decide to change your domain name make sure to have the addressed forwarded so you don’t lose traffic from incoming links.
Article marketing is another great way to get incoming links to your site. You provide free valuable content and include your link at the bottom of the page to your Website. You can lean more about article marketing in Chapter 4 – Lead Generation Methods, Option 1, pages 70 – 89.
Use keywords in the text anchor of your incoming links, like this: <a target=“_blank” href=““>insert keyword here <> </a> When you view the text link it will see the keyword highlighted and underlined in blue, and when someone clicks it they will be redirected to your site.
For example, “you can download your Profitable Membership Website eBook to your computer in a matter of seconds. Click Here: Membership Website E-Book and get your success tools today”. If you were to click the text anchor (blue underlined part of the sentence above), it would redirect you to my landing page. The html code for this text link would look like this: You can download your Profitable Membership Website E-book to your computer in a matter of seconds. Click Here: <a target=“_blank” href=““>Membership Website E-Book <> </a> and get your success tools today.
*Note: Some Websites will want you to post your URL, not a text link. If that’s the case, just comply with their request.


You can’t ensure a higher PR by adding pages, but if you don’t have enough it can limit you. The maximum page rank that a site can receive cannot exceed the number of pages that a site has. For example, if you have a one page landing page with tons of highly reputable backlinks directing traffic to it, and the most relevant and valuable information in the world on that page, you can still only ever receive a page rank of 1.
Why? Well it has to do with Google’s equation for determining page rank. Of course, we do not know exactly what it is today, but back when Google started using page rank they gave us this equation, so odds are they use something similar to this today: PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + … + PR(tn)/C(tn))
For those of you who enjoy math:
‘t1 – tn’ = pages linking to page A
‘C’ = number of outbound links for a particular page
‘d’ = damping factor (typically set to 0.85)
Don’t panic if you don’t feel like analyzing the numbers. Basically, to have the potential to reach your maximum page rank of 10 (by the way, few Websites do this – last time I checked there were around 20, but let’s not limit ourselves) you need to have 10 pages.
Note: Increasing the number of pages by no means is enough to move your page rank higher, but it does raise the maximum limit that you can potentially earn by creating a quality site and achieving a large number of quality backlinks. Therefore it is important not to limit you page rank by not having enough pages on your Website.
Here is an easy method for adding pages to your landing page Website and funnel traffic to it at the same time.
Choose your top 8-10 keywords and write an article for each one. Don’t forget to create titles for each with the keyword in the front. At the bottom of the article include a link to your landing page.
Upload each of the articles as separate pages to your Website. An example of article names is www.yourwebsite/articlepages/page1.htm.
Create an index page for the new “article pages” of your Website. An example of an index page is www.yourwebsite/articlepages/index.htm.
Note: Make sure to use fresh articles for the new pages in your site that are not already circulating on the Internet. If you use duplicates that have already been used in article directories or blogs you may be penalized for copying content.

Some final words about page rank

Page rank is a useful tool, but it’s not the Holy Grail of online business success.
I have included this section because obtaining a high page rank can be helpful for getting leads to your Website and earning their trust, which puts you in a better position to earn their business. That being said, I wouldn’t get obsessed about this. SEO professionals may not want to talk about it, but the reality is that you can have a very profitable business contributing substantial value to your clients with a page rank of zero. You can also have a high page rank but poor profitability due to a low visitor to client conversion rate.
There are other, far more important criteria for evaluating your Website(s), like number of unique visitors, new subscribers, new clients and client satisfaction. Depending on the objective of the particular Website, the goal may be a different, but the bottom line is if your site is doing its job well, then it’s a winner. A higher page rank is simply a tool that makes reaching your final objective easier.