Viral marketing
Sweat equity marketing promotions is any marketing technique that uses pre-existing social networks to spread a company’s message.
Viral marketing is unique, entertaining and easy to share. It is often in the format of a short video, an audio or eBook. What makes a piece of material “viral” is that the message is passed quickly from one person to the next until its reach increases exponentially.
Some of the benefits are:
• Low costs (development only, and that is typically minimal) when a marketing piece successfully becomes viral it is etched into the minds of those who absorb and share it making it very powerful.
• Low maintenance as passed on by public
• Efficient as message is quickly passed through networks and becomes part of the culture.
Some drawbacks are:
• Impossible to predict with certainty if a marketing piece will successfully become viral.
• Eventually the effectiveness of the marketing piece will wane, and you will have to create a new one or pursue a different avenue.