At our Michigan SEO company, we are focused on securing top search engine rankings for our clients. It’s the prime real estate on the worldwide web.
To understand what’s new in search engine optimization, or SEO as it is commonly known, you have to understand a little bit about how it has evolved in recent years. Since the advent of search engines on the Internet, marketers and shrewd business people have been trying to get their products and services in the top ranked searches so potential customers find them first.
For many years, there were marketers who tried to outsmart the search engines, layering keywords into content that didn’t have much meaning in order to claim high rankings. Others would copy content or repeat the same material over several pages in a bid to get picked up by web crawling search engines. In response, search engine algorithms – especially on Google – have become increasingly more complex and are able to sort through websites to find more meaningful content.
The shift from keyword-centric algorithms to presumably content-centric methodologies has marketers more focused on behaving as model internet citizens. They now must deliver good content that is well written and disseminates useful information. Those who think they are tricking Google to gain rankings only have to wait until the next update to be taught a lesson.
What is new in SEO that every Michigan SEO company should know? Today’s Internet marketing environment won’t let you get noticed with just any old information thrown up on a website page. Search engines are noticing:
Quality content – clear writing that is not plagiarized, is informative and engaging should be your goal. Your content is your presentation to the world so once you have their attention you want to share something worthwhile.
Organization – websites should suit your business in tone and style. They should be intuitive for users and encourage them to poke around, read through information, and ultimately drive them to order, call, or visit.
Response – the best Michigan SEO company marketers will use a rich set of data sources to determine how well SEO content is performing and adjust accordingly; responsiveness to users across online marketing and social media platforms is key.
Relationships with other sites – meaningful connections with other sites are important, not links for the sake of having links (remember today’s search engines are smarter!). Ensuring that companies have a strong, unified online presence from website to all forms of social media is vital.
Analytics – marketing companies that keep current with the latest trends should be able to offer market analysis and provide clear and thorough analytics at a page level for both online marketing and social media campaigns.
Keen to learn more about the impact of the newest trends in SEO for your marketing needs? Contact Brassy Marketing, a small but mighty Michigan SEO company, for a free market analysis. We’re ready to help get your website more attention from search engines.
What’s New in SEO?
What’s New in SEO?