Did you know that 97% of consumers now search for local businesses online? A Google+ page can connect you with customers on Maps, Search, and Google+, regardless of what device they use. An additional visual such as a logo can help your website gain attention in...
Difference Between SEO & SEM
While both search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) assist businesses with attracting customers via the Internet, they encompass different strategies. Understanding these differences is critical when determining how to allocate key business...

Michigan SEO Company: Do Videos Help SEO?
If you are interested in using search engine optimization (SEO) to get your website higher rankings you may be wondering if YouTube videos will help. The answer is that unfortunately they are not much help to SEO, since SEO refers to search engine optimization of your website. Why then would a SEM and SEO company use them? To fully understand you must understand how search engines treat videos.

Increasing Page Rank
Using the right keywords in your title tag will not ensure you a top ranking with Google, but ignoring it or using poor keywords can certainly damage your chances. Choosing solid relevant keywords for your title tag is one of the most basic steps in SEO

Search Engines Directory & Submissions
Directories are a stockpile of human reviewed Websites that are arranged in topical categories. Unlike the search engines that use programs to review the Websites, directories have people do the work by hand. You will want to submit your Website to directories to increase traffic and backlinks to help improve your Website ranking.

Finding your target keywords
You will notice with the Google Keyword Tool that if you type in a keyword (you can use short or long tail) not only will it give you the level of advertiser competition displayed on a bar, and the local and global search results for that keyword, but it will also give you the results for some more targeted keywords that you might be interested in. It occasionally gives you some results out in left field, but for the most part the data is helpful in at least getting the ball rolling.
Online Marketing Niches
In order to attract new clients online you may have to narrow down your niche more than was necessary for your off-line marketing, especially if you are competing on a local level. The idea is to target the kind of client that you want in a category that has significant searches online each month. This is one of the most crucial steps in your business, so take care that you do it properly.

Why is SEO important?
Your customers are looking for a business like yours online… Can they find you?
The Challenge:
Getting your website up and running is just the first step. Next, you need to make sure that people looking for the solutions you offer can find you online without having to be familiar with you or your business. Then you need to turn those website visitors into qualified leads for your business.